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商品详细Relia Tech/小鼠抗人MBL/100µg/101-M562
Relia Tech/小鼠抗人MBL/100µg/101-M562
Relia Tech/小鼠抗人MBL/100µg/101-M562
商品编号: 101-M562
品牌: reliatech
市场价: ¥5500.00
美元价: 3300.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 单克隆抗体
公司分类: monoclonal_antibody
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com
Size100 µg
Price275 €
CategoryMonoclonal Antibody
Clone Nr.(#4J25)
Species ReactivityHuman
ReconstitutionCentrifuge vial prior to opening. Reconstitute the antibody with 500 µl sterile PBS and the final concentration is 200 µg/ml.
Stability and StorageLyophilized samples are stable for 2 years from date of receipt when stored at -20°C. Reconstituted antibody can be aliquoted and stored frozen at < -20°C for at least six months without detectable loss of activity.
PreparationThis antibody was produced from a hybridoma (mouse myeloma fused with spleen cells from a mouse) immunized with human recombinant protein of MBL.
Antigenhuman recombinant protein of MBL
ApplicationWB, N
DescriptionHuman mannose/mannan-binding lectin (MBL; also MBPC) is a 25 kDa member of the collectin family of pattern-recognition molecules. It is a secreted glycoprotein that is synthesized as a 248 amino acid (aa) precursor that contains a 20 aa signal sequence, a 21 aa cysteinerich region (with three cysteines) a 58 aa collagenlike segment and a 111 aa Ctype lectin domain that binds to neutral bacterial carbohydrates. The molecule is O glycosylatedand contains multiplehydroxylated prolines and lysines. Functionally, the molecule operates as a multimer/oligomer. The basic structural unit is a homotrimer. The homotrimer iscreated by the formation of interchain disulfide bonds among the cysteinerichregions, plus a helical interaction of the collagen-like domains of each participating polypeptide. Mutations in the collagen region are known to interfere with proper trimer and subsequent oligomer formation. Once formed, the trimer, as a unit, oligomerizes with other trimers to form high molecular weight complexes. Although the exact nature of these complexes are unclear, it would appear that a three trimer complex (230 kDa) and a four trimer complex (305 kDa) constitute much of the circulating MBL. It is within the context of these oligomers that MBL performs its functions. After secretion by hepatocytes, oligomerized MBL will both associate with serine proteases (MASP1, 2 & 3) and bind to bacterial carbohydrates. If the MBL complex is small, opsonization of bacreria occurs. If the complex is large, the MASPs are engaged and a complement attack complex is generated, destroying bound bacteria. Human MBL is 63%, 61% and 65% aa identical to mouse, porcine and bovine MBL, respectively.
Uniprot IDP11226
Protein RefSeqNP_000233.1
mRNA RefSeqNM_000242.2
Receptor Ligand Technologies GmbH 公司(RELIA Tech )位于德国不伦瑞克,是一家后基因组生物技术公司,该公司运用独特的技术专注于受体和配体的发现与研究,从而使商业化,产品广泛使用于科学研究,实验诊断和临床应用。瑞莱技术的灵活性和竞争力必将使其在这个快速整合的功能基因组学和蛋白组学的新时代发展壮大.RELIA公司提供的细胞因子,生长因子,重组蛋白产品一致内毒素检测项目,且内毒素水平非常低。 受体配体技术有限公司(RELIATech)是一家后基因组生物技术公司,致力于在配体与受体相互作用领域的新技术和新产品的发现和商业化,用于研究,诊断和临床领域。该公司位于德国不伦瑞克,由以下公司成立于2000年10月: 阿夫纳·亚永教授以色列魏兹曼科学研究所(WIS) 赫伯特·韦奇博士德国生物技术德国研究中心(GBF) Bernhard Barleon博士德国肿瘤生物学诊所(KTB) 创始人是从事细胞生长因子相互作用,酪氨酸激酶及其信号传导途径(涉及组织重塑,体内平衡和疾病)领域的细胞和分子生物学家,工作时间超过10年。特别是Herbert A. Weich博士和Bernhard Barleon博士从事血管生成,肿瘤血管生成和实体瘤进展领域的基础研究。    诸如“生长因子和细胞因子”之类的信号蛋白,连同其跨膜/“可溶性受体”和相关的激酶,在生理和病理生理条件下都作为关键的调节分子参与了所有高级生物的发育和功能。这些多肽调节细胞分化,组织重塑和体内平衡,并在各种疾病状态下被失调。由人类基因组计划编码新信号蛋白的新生长调节基因的发现,以及对它们功能的阐明,无疑将是未来十年的主要挑战之一。 RELIATech的使命是开发和商品化在“受体和配体相互作用”领域中有用的新产品,用于基础研究,药物开发和临床社区。RELIATech的灵活性和能力必将使其在功能基因组学和蛋白质组学的新时代迅速整合和扩展。